The History of Cinema and Movie Theatres
The history of cinema and movie theatres is filled with growth, innovation, and changes. From the first silent movies to the smart-home theaters of today, there has been an evolution in not only the equipment used to create better images but…
986Technology and the Visual Entertainment Revolution
In the 1930s and 1940s, radio was new and exciting. People couldn’t get enough of it, and it changed how people interacted with one another, gathered together as a society, and even learned about the world around them. As a result of radio’s…
1085Interior Design ideas for a new theatre
Interior design is not just about aesthetics and visual appeal. It’s a process that involves analyzing the needs of occupants, space and users – and creating an environment that meets them. This also implies an architecture firm needs to…
1096Everyone Loves the Spin of a Roulette Wheel
It’s no secret that the game of roulette is a thrilling way to spend an evening. It’s fast-paced and exciting, and it can make anyone who watches feel as if their heart might jump out of their chest at any moment. So it’s no surprise that…
883The Biggest Children’s Television Shows
Children’s television shows have changed a lot over the years. Once, they were wholesome offerings that helped parents put their kids to bed, think Mr. Rogers and his Neighborhood or Captain Kangaroo. Then came the era of Saturday morning…
971Designing a Gaming Room in your Home
When it comes to hobbies, some people have a few that are more intense than others. Some people might take up cooking or reading as a hobby, while others might prefer something more exciting. If you’re one of those people who prefers the…
1185The History Channel is Educational
The History Channel is known for showing programs about ancient civilizations, dead monarchs, and the fall of the Roman Empire. It’s not exactly a channel you’d think of as educational. After all, so much of what we see on TV these days…
947The Biggest Cinemas and Theatres
Cinema is now a universal language. With the increasing number of cinema screens around the world, people from different cultures, and speaking different languages, have found a common ground in this universal language of cinema. And that has…
1168The Longest Running Soap Operas on British Tv
The world of soaps is a drama-filled one, with characters constantly being caught up in epic love triangles, blackmail scandals, and shocking family secrets. Soap operas are no different; whether set in fictional towns like Brookfield or…
1135Designing a Room for Home Entertainment
When watching a movie or playing video games is your favorite pastime, your home may need an upgrade. Designing a room specifically for home entertainment will help you and your guests to feel comfortable and enjoy every moment. With the right…
1093Home Entertainment Systems are a Whole New Level
Home entertainment systems are growing in complexity and capability. A new generation of home theater components, such as audio preamplifiers, integrated amplifiers and surround processors, is emerging to meet those challenges. These new…
925Radio gave us Hours of Entertainment before TV
When radio was the only source of mass entertainment, it played a significant role in people's lives. It kept them company during long journeys, quiet evenings, and chilly nights. People listened to their favorite radio programs at home or on…
1864The Evolution of Television from its Beginnings
Television has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Once only available via public broadcasting or other special events, the rise of cable and satellite television, as well as streaming online video content, has made it ubiquitous in…
876How to Design a Cool Home Cinema
A home cinema is a dedicated space for watching movies with friends. It’s a classic concept that has existed for years, but in recent times has become more popular than ever before. Whether you’re a self-proclaimed movie buff or simply a…
1135Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre
The Globe Theatre is the most famous of Shakespeare’s many performance spaces. When we think of Shakespeare, we picture him delivering soliloquies in front of a packed house, with the thatched roof of the Globe looming above. But Shakespeare…
994Kids Love to Visit the Cinema
Children are naturally curious about the world around them, so it’s no surprise that they love watching movies. Kids love to immerse themselves in a new world and see characters they love on the big screen. Cinema visits are an excellent way…
975What are the Best Theatres in New York?
There are so many amazing places to see a show in New York, but with so many different options it can be hard to choose which theater is right for you. Luckily, there are some great options no matter your interests or price point. Whether you…
929How Music has entertained the World
Music is a universal phenomenon that transcends all boundaries. It is a medium of self-expression, recreation, and relaxation. Music has been entertaining humankind as far back as we can remember. The history of music is filled with accounts of…
1716Romeo and Juliet has Been a Theatre Blockbuster
Romeo and Juliet was first performed at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco, California on June 30th, 1895. It was directed by Charles Clark and starred Louise Lewis as Juliet, Edwin Milton as Romeo, and Nicolassa Penna as The Nurse. It was part…
902What Makes a Casino the Best?
Gambling is one of the oldest and most universal ways for people to have fun together. With its combination of luck, risk-taking and strategy, gambling has proven to be a popular pastime in virtually every culture around the world. While there…
834The Most Popular Plays in Modern Theatre
Modern theatre is a dynamic and constantly evolving art form. It is a space where playwrights can take established conventions, interrogate them and reinvent them in bold new ways. Modern theatre frequently experiments with different theatrical…
884The History of Music Throughout the Ages
Music is a universal phenomenon and has been so for as long as humans have existed. It fulfills an essential human need, and it has continued to change and evolve over time. Music is a universal phenomenon that transcends age, race, gender,…
1813Culinary Dishes that can be Very Entertaining
When you have a group of people over for dinner, your main concern is making sure that everyone has a good time and leaves feeling like they had an excellent experience. Culinary dishes are the perfect way to entertain friends. Not only will you…
976A Night out in the Best Casinos in Vegas
You’re in Vegas, so you might as well go all in. You’ve probably heard of the famous casinos here, but what you might not know is that these aren’t your average casinos. These are some of the best casinos in Vegas. If there’s one thing…
2139An Evening in Monte Carlos Casinos
For any tourist visiting the city of Monte Carlo and the surrounding areas, there are a lot of things to do and see. Apart from the famous art museums and galleries, there are also some excellent casinos that visitors can go to to have a good…
2029Everyone has Fun in a Casino
You don’t have to be a high roller to enjoy a casino. Everyone can have fun in a casino, whether you are playing slots for the first time or you’re a regular who knows all of the best ways to optimize your time and money. In this article, we…
906The Biggest Selling Movies in Cinema History
The movie industry has produced some of the most profitable films in history. In today’s digital age, movies are available from a wide range of streaming services and video-on-demand platforms. This accessibility makes it easier for viewers to…
1308How to Design the Interior of a Bowling Alley
The interior of a bowling alley has to be perfect for its target customers. It’s a casual space where people will go to have a good time and relax with friends or family. The design has to reflect this relaxed atmosphere, but also give players…
1882The Cassette Recorder was the Technology to allow us to record our own Music
In the 1980s, the cassette recorder was one of the most important devices to record your own music and make mixtapes. But what is a cassette recorder? It was a device that enabled you to record your own music, speeches, or any other sound onto a…